This October, we will be doing something new! Our plan is for the whole church to reach out in practical ways to our community and serve them - both directly and alongside a number of existing charity organisations. C3 Church Watson will serve and love our city in Jesus’ name and we invite you to join us! You can sign up to be involved by registering below. We hope you see this as a great opportunity to be ‘rich in good works’ and to ‘let our light shine’ - to remind our community that everybody matters to God.

We have many great opportunities that you can serve! After reading the following information, select which opportunity you would like to sign up for with the form at the bottom of the page.

Lunches for children who don’t have lunch for school

# of volunteers needed: 6                                     

Length of Time: 1 ½ hours Date: Sat 12th October

Location: at Church

Join us in making up 30-40 sandwiches for our local primary school provides sandwiches when children do have any lunch with them.  We have also been asked to provide cheese muffins, banana bread. All sandwiches, muffins etc. will be portioned and frozen to be taken to the school 14th October.

Big cook up for Mackillop House residents                                

# of volunteers needed: 10 at church, but open to everyone at your home          

Length of Time: 2 hours                   Date: Sat 12th October

Location: At your home or at church

Cook your favourite recipe at home or come to church for a ‘Big Cook Up’.  Meals will be frozen in 500ml portions to be enjoyed by women at Mackillop House. We hope to also bless male residents of homelessness programs. Our aim is to provide 80 frozen meals that will be taken to the delivered the week starting 14th October.

BBQ At Early Morning Centre                                                    

# of volunteers needed: 5 at the BBQ, with more providing salads, dessert.

Length of Time: 2 hours from 11am      Date: Sat 12th October

Location: Pilgrim House, Northbourne Ave, Braddon

Be part of running a BBQ for up to 50 people at the Early Morning Centre, a community hub supporting Canberra people who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homelessness. While 5 people attend the event, we will also need to provide salads and possibly desserts to take so please indicate this might work for you better.

Care/Pamper bags for staff at local hospital

# of volunteers needed: 15                                  

Length of Time: 2 hours Date: Sat 12th October

Location: Church

Assemble up to 60 care/pamper bags. 40 for staff working with in Mental Health units at a local hospital and 20 for staff working in Homelessness & Drug & Alcohol programs in Charities we partner with. You will also write personal notes of encouragement to be included in each bag. Sometimes people just need to be appreciated!

Gift bags for Rahab ministry

# of volunteers needed: 10             

Length of Time: 1-2 hours Date: Sat 12th October

Location: Church

Create 60+ gift bags given to sex workers during our monthly Rahab Ministry outreach events. Our aim is for our gifts to help make people working in this industry to feel cared about, not judged, but accepted for who they are. Come and hear what we do and join us in praying over the gift bags once made up.

Missionheart – 30 Emergency Food Packs  

# of volunteers needed: 10                                  

Length of Time: 1 hour Date: Sat 12th October

Location: TBC

We will be assembling 30 Emergency Food Packs that will be available for people visiting Mission heart’s Drop-in space. Missionheart ministers to people who may have experienced a hard start in life, suffered much abuse and neglect, turned to a life of crime or drugs, or struggled with trauma.


# of volunteers needed: TBC                               

Length of Time: 2-3 hours Date: Sat 12th October

Location: TBC

Bring your gloves, boots & hat, and join our local Landcare group in an outside activity planting trees, weeding or learning about our local environment.

Ted Noffs

# of volunteers needed: 4 WWVP Card Required                   

Length of Time: 2 hours from11:30 Date: Fri 18th October

Location: TBC

Provide and stay for a lunch of yummy takeaway pizzas for 10-15 residents and staff at Ted Noffs Foundation who provide a residential drug treatment program for young people (aged 13 – 18) to address serious drug and alcohol related difficulties.

Breakfast at Majura Primary

# of volunteers needed: 6 WWVP Card Required                       

Length of Time: 1.5 hours from Date: Wed 16th October

Location: Majura Primary

Wednesday 16th October is ‘World Food Day’ so what better way to spend it but by providing a nice hot breakfast to the children at Majura Primary School.

International Justice Mission

Donations accepted

IJM works to strengthen justice systems by providing training and mentorship to support local law enforcement and community leaders. They aim to stop the cycle of violence and protect people from ever experiencing abuse