Vicki Simpson closes the conference with a powerful message equipping us to walk in our freedom. By looking at the story of Ezekiel prophesying to the valley dry bones, she encourages us to partner with God by declaring His freedom to the dry bones in our lives.
A Voice of Freedom: The Secret Place
Pastor Mel talks about the importance of spending time in the secret place. Sharing from her own experiences, she reminds us that spending time with God in surrender is key to facing the challenges that come to us.
A Voice of Freedom: Transition
Pastor Melanie shares about how freedom is a process that involves going through the wilderness to a place of hope. The wilderness is an important pathway to freedom as it strips away everything unnecessary, to show us that God is all we need and that our value comes only from Him.
A Voice of Freedom: The Truth Will Set You Free
Pastor Deb shares about the importance of truth in our freedom and reminds us that this freedom is not just for ourselves, but for others too. Freedom is a gift and a privilege that God has placed in our lives, not only for us, but so that we can also help set others free.
A Voice of Freedom: Open the Window
Vicki Simpson opens the conference by sharing about how the life of Daniel in exile can inspire us to carry on through our disappointments. Even though Daniel was in a foreign land and Jerusalem lay in ruins, he was still blessed and prospered in his exile.