We love kids and we love our Kids’ Church!
We want children to learn how much God loves them, how much He wants them to grow into strong people who make wise choices, and how He wants them to treat other people. Our Kids’ Church includes larger group singing and story-time as well as smaller group time talking and doing enjoyable and inspirational activities together. Every child has the potential to connect with God in their spirit and we see our role as a special privilege and joy - in partnership with parents - to nurture this connection in every child.
Our Cultural Values
Children grow in wisdom, faith, hope and love.
All kids feel noticed and valued.
We aim for high quality environments and activities; and a highly trained and committed volunteer team.
An emphasis on the grace of God, not rules and religion. We do, of course, teach all children to show polite respect for others.
Laughs and generosity are a big part of our culture.
When is Kids' Church?
Kids’ Church starts at the same time as our main services on Sunday mornings. Before the main service starts, you’re asked to please sign children in at Kids’ Church check in table, located at the entrance to The Square. The program then runs until 15 minutes after the main service finishes. This gives parents and carers the option of catching up with others over a coffee in the foyer without any distractions. You can, of course, collect your child whenever you wish, but please keep an eye on the Kids’ Church doors to know when it is officially finished.
Who looks after my child?
Our excellent team comprises of church members just like you. We ask all caring parents to take a share of the important task of running Kids’ Church by signing on as a volunteer for approximately one Sunday per month. You’ll need a ‘Working With Vulnerable People Card’ (please apply online) and to attend our training sessions.
Age Groups
0 TO 12-18MTH
We invite families with young babies to join us in the auditorium during the service. Our Parents’ Room, on the right side of the auditorium, is equipped for if they are too unsettled to stay in the service or when you’d prefer some privacy to feed your baby, change their nappy, etc.
Some 12 month olds are ready to transition to Walkie-Talkies - our Preschool room; others may need to wait until they are up to 18 months old. As a general guide: children should be able to walk and talk (hence Walkie-Talkies!), be happy to stay without a parent, and not need to nap when they enter the Walkie-Talkies room. A parent may not be able to leave an unsettled child unattended in Walkie-Talkies at the discretion of our volunteer staff. Parents are called for any nappy changes for their child.
YeaRS K TO 2
YeaRS 3 TO 6
We use a proven curriculum to teach young children valuable and practical lessons about God’s love for them. We teach about how to treat others and we teach primary age children to make wise choices.
Signing In
On your first visit you will need to complete a one-off registration form about your child. Each Sunday, you'll drop your children off in The Square before heading into the auditorium. Sign them in at the check in table, and you are welcome to stay for a short while until they are settled before heading in to the main service.
We provide Kids’ Church so that you can be free to focus on what God wants to say to you in our services!
If you are required during the service, you will be contacted by the team – this will usually be via a text on your mobile phone but may be via your name or unique registration number coming up on the screens in the auditorium. Parents are contacted for various reasons, eg if their child is upset, ill, hungry, needs a nappy change etc. In some cases, a very upset child may be walked or carried to their parent in the auditorium.
Signing Out
You can go to the Kids’ Church and sign your child out at any time, but we ask that you do so by 15 minutes after the service at the latest. For your child’s safety, they will not be released from the classroom until they are 'signed out'.
After Kids’ Church, please continue to monitor your child's behaviour by not allowing them to climb on furniture or run in the auditorium or foyer, etc.
Parent/Guardian Consent Information
As the parent / guardian of my child/children,
I understand that…
…C3 Church Watson Kids’ Church may on occasion take photographs and/or video footage of children, which may be used to promote or inform about Church events or projects. Such images may be used on the church website or social media. (If you object to photos of your children being used for this purpose, please make a note below and notify a Kids’ Church Team member as soon as possible). My permission will continue until I revoke permission in writing to the Kids’ Church director or Church Senior Minister.
Safe Activities
…Risk assessments and all reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety of all children.
…I give permission for my child/ren to attend and participate in all activities run by the Kids’ Church Team. Unless there is evidence of negligence, I release C3 Church Watson, its staff and volunteers from any liability relating to any accident, damage or loss that may occur to my child/ren or their belongings.
…that all Kids’ Church staff and volunteers have completed training and have current Government approval (WWVP card) to work with children and vulnerable people.
…C3 Church Watson and its staff and volunteers cannot take responsibility if my child does not follow their reasonable directions. I agree to collect/receive my child during church if their behaviour warrants removal from Kids’ Church by the Kids’ Church Team.
…I give permission for medical attention to be sought in case of emergency including ambulance services, and I agree to pay all such related costs.
…I will notify the C3 Kids’ Church Team if my child has any allergies or intolerances or other issues that may require special attention and care.
…I give permission for my e-mail and mobile number to be used for emergency use including contacting me during a service by text to come and supervise, assist, or remove my child/ren.
For us there is no greater joy than to see you coming as a family every week to discover, connect with, and encounter Christ and all He has for you and your children.
We look forward to seeing you at church!