"…I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”
Matthew 16:18b
A little bit of the history of C3 Church Watson, and the story of the journey to the opening of the Ministry Centre.
The goal of Vision Builders is to support the vision God has given us for C3 Church Watson to impact and change our city and our world. Our vision is to connect to Jesus, grow as a disciple and serve His purpose.
Everything we do as a church, whose home is our Ministry Centre in Watson, is about this vision. Support given to Vision Builders is initially used to meet the financial obligations for our Ministry Centre to expand and grow its impact and value in achieving our vision. This has been seen, by the initial construction of the Ministry Centre, followed by various projects such as completing the carpark, landscaping, office and foyer fit outs, kids storeroom, internal fencing, airlock cabinets, a commercial oven in the kitchen, upgrading our cafe and hospitality space, building a deck in the kids church area as well as removing dangerous trees.
We are continuing to meet our financial obligations, and as we go forward we have plans for the duplication of our upstairs office and ministry spaces, and upgrading our sound and audio visual systems.
But we need to consider more than just the physical building – the physical building is simply the most effective tool for us to achieve our vision and what God has called us to do in Canberra and beyond. As we give to Vision Builders we participate in all that God is doing.
We give to Vision Builders because we love the passion for Jesus we see in this place, and that His Kingdom is being built here. We want to be a part of this crucial work which has lasting consequences and rewards.
We believe in the future of this church, the generations it will serve and that it will be a light on a hill for our city.
We give to Vision Builders because we believe in the vision and we have been blessed in the house and so we want to make room for others to also share in the blessings.
The benefits from having this awesome property for us and our region are many. So I give to support the ongoing vision of impacting our wider community for Christ.
Prayerfully consider the amount that is appropriate for you. It’s not about equal giving, but equal sacrifice. Make your commitment to the campaign at church, or by contacting the office, and consider how you will fulfil your commitment over the financial year. Contributions will be set aside and only used for the building fund, and can be anonymous. Due to changes to tax laws, contributions are not tax deductible. Regular giving can be easier to manage, is rewarding and builds up over time. We are asking you to make regular weekly or monthly contributions.
Account Name for Vision Builders: C3 Church Watson Inc
BSB: 032 730
Account Number: 253882