Pastor Nick Hind shares about how men specifically make and maintain good friendships.
Realmen: The Road to Maturity
Professional counsellor, Jude Morris, shares that whatever comes from within you is yours. Learning to take responsibility for what comes out of you is part of your journey on the road to maturity.
The Amazing Grace: the 'Uns' of Grace
Pastor Paul kicks off our March series by looking at three 'uns' of grace: undeserved, unmerited and unbelievable.
Last Words
Pastor Greg French joins us this Sunday and shares about the power of our last words and looks at the final words of Jesus before His death.
Dangerous Prayer: The Lord's Prayer
In the final message in our Dangerous Prayer series, Pastor Melanie shares how the Lord's prayer is a model for us in our prayer life and highlights some of the key things we can learn from it.