Ps Mel outlined four ways that we can be stuck in our lives: taking responsibility for others, refusing to let go of a season that has finished, ignoring what God is telling you to do, or you’ve handed the control of your life to others.
Get Connected: Week 4
This week we first heard from Tim Taylor who spoke about the importance of reading the word at least four times a week, and the great capacity it has to change our lives and connect us with God. Ps Mel then spoke about the need for worship as a form of positive connection is our lives. Worship has the capacity to change what is going on inside us, which will in turn influence our outward behaviour.
Get Connected: Week 2
One of the ways we grow as christians is through people we meet in the christian context of Groups. We learn to love people, be respective of their personalty type & character, and this helps with the development of our patience, acceptance and tolerance. We cannot do this in isolation.
Get Connected: Week 1
Every person craves connection - we are created for it. As Christians we are commissioned to make disciples of Jesus and 1 Corinthians 9:21-23 suggests we should lead people to Christ by serving them.
In Him: Week 4
One of the secrets to being close to God is a strong prayer life. Our prayer life can be greatly enhanced when we pray in the Holy Spirit, because He leads us into Gods will.