Get Stoked: Week 2

When the coals in a fire go out, they are no longer fit for purpose. So it is true with believers - we need to stoke the flames. Ps Melanie shares that the christian life cannot be lived in isolation and if we try, the fire slowly dies. However, fellowship with other believers can fire us up!

Get Stoked: Week 1

Ps Amanda states that there is a place for every type of person within the community, even those who are really different need to be in the community for someone who is equally different to connect to. There is a place for everyone. Being a connection point for others is equally important as connecting with others.

Contact Lens: Week 3

Ps Amanda advised all of us that we should increase our self-awareness in order to respond appropriately in dealing with others. She also said that in conflict it is better to pursue the relationship rather than justice. Nicholas spoke of the four major causes of relationship breakdown: criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling. He mentioned the importance of differentiation They then answered some interesting questions posed online by church embers about communication and conflict resolution.