We finish our Series on Faith this week with an uplifting message. Ps Mel Marshall discusses the power in our words, especially when we Praise God with them!
Only Believe: Week 3
Ps Paul Marshall dives into Week 3 of our latest series, challenging our beliefs around Faith. Be encouraged that God rewards and draws close to those who trust in Him.
Only Believe: Week 2
Let’s hear an awesome message from Week 2 of our ‘Only Believe’ Series on Faith! Ps Mel Marshall talks about the need to pray and live in authority as we work together with God.
Only Believe: Week 1
We begin our new series on Faith ‘Only Believe’. Hear an inspiring message from Ps Mel Marshall as we discuss the strength in surrendering to God. We pray you are encouraged to trust in Him!
Linkdin: Week 5
Guest Speaker Ps Andrew McGruther shares an amazing message in the last week of our Relationship series. Ps Andrew is the Lead Pastor of Lighthouse, a C3 Global church in Queensland with three locations. We know this will make an impact on your heart.