Ps Mel Marshall talks about one of the building blocks of relationships: communication. She challenges us to have the hard conversations with truth and mercy. We encouraged you to reach out to others this week and work towards healthy discussions!
Connectd | Ps Paul Marshall
Ps Paul continues week two of our Connectd Series. We discuss the need for relationships and how they sharpen and improve us. We pray this message blesses you as you bless those around you.
Connectd | Ps Mel Marshall
We start our annual series on relationships! Ps Mel discusses the importance of friendships, especially the need for a few intimate friends. Hear from stories in the Bible like Ruth and Naomi.
C3 Area Gathering | Vicki Simpson
Join us as we gather with the C3 churches in ACT/SNSW and hear from Guest Speaker Vicki Simpson. Growing up as an Aussie Italian from Perth, Vicki has been in full time itinerant Ministry for over 30 years and brings a unique perspective and prophetic voice to every situation. We pray you are blessed by this Word!
Strong: Week 6
Ps Mel finishes off our Strong series discussing an important part of life we’d rather avoid - suffering. If you are going through a storm be reassured it won’t be forever, but know God is with you and will never leave. May these trials build us in character, joy and faith.