When we are united it is an indicator to people that don’t know Jesus that He is real. Ps Mel encourages us in our need to always be ready to explain why we have hope as a believer - our personal testimony. If someone asks you and are interested, then they are ready to hear it. We pray that you will be blessed by this week’s message.
United | Ps Paul Marshall
Ps Paul starts our brand-new series ‘United’. He explores the importance of making sure that God is first and is always most valuable in our lives. We need to have people around us who will encourage and support us in our faith. We pray that you will be blessed by this message.
Going Deeper | Ps Mel Marshall
Ps Mel wraps up our ‘Going Deeper’ series. She encourages us that God is able to turn everything around as we put Him first. God will move all the pieces, and we are called to co-operate and work with Him. He is working all things out according to His great plan. We pray that this message will bless you.
Dream Sunday | Stu Gilding
Dream Sunday creates an opportunity for people to bring the dreams that God is placing in their hearts. Stu brings an encouraging message on how we can understand our dreams from God. We pray that this message will bless and encourage you to seek God about the dreams He has for you.
Going Deeper | Tim Taylor
Through looking at Ruth chapter 3, Tim continues our ‘Going Deeper’ series by encouraging us to be people of action. To act out our dreams we need to consult the wise council around us, develop our character and be patient. We pray that you will be blessed by this message.