What is our perspective when looking at COVID-19? Ps Paul preaches on the importance of understanding where God is in our current situation.
Easter Sunday
He is risen! Ps Melanie shows us how our hope is found in Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Good Friday
At the cross Jesus paid the ultimate price as the sin He took on himself separated Himself from the father. One of those crucified with Him understood his own guilt as well s Jesus’s total innocence. We accept this sacrifice when we realise our need for His grace and mercy. Our messes and shame lose their power at the cross.
Unstuck: Week 3
Ps Mel shared how people get stuck through past hurts because they become cynical, and only trust in God can move them back to where He wants them to be. Cynicism can lead to bitterness and addictions. Equally dangerous is when a person is believing in a false hope, one that doesn’t emanate from God. This person needs to leave false hope behind and put their faith in the living hope of the Lord.
Unstuck: Week 2
Ps Paul talks about how to deal with three significant ways we can get stuck: issues from our past, believing lies, and making bad choices.